'Friends of Carroll County' donors support community through contributions
Derek Fisher, center, 2010 Chairman of the Carroll County Community Foundation board of directors, opens the evening by thanking the donors for their support.
August 31, 2010 -- Supporters of the Carroll County Community Foundation's "Friends of Carroll County" were recently honored at a special celebration to recognize their contributions to help sustain the Community Foundation and improve the quality of life for Carroll County citizens.
Members of the Friends of Carroll County contribute annually to help provide funds towards operational expenses that enable the Community Foundation to continue to provide scholarships to students, support community projects and participate in other county-wide development efforts.
"We wanted to honor those individuals who have made a commitment to join the Community Foundation and its vision of continued improvement of Carroll County," said Derek Fisher, Chairman of the Carroll County Community Foundation board of directors. "In addition, we encouraged current members to share the mission of the foundation with Carroll County residents as a way to reach new donors and promote growth. The celebration provided a brief look at the past, present and future of the county, but the future is our focus and where we can have a positive influence."
The dinner event took place Thursday, Aug. 26, at the Carroll County courthouse and included tours of the Opera House and Art Gallery in Delphi, Ind.
In addition to providing community support through endowed funds, the Carroll County Community Foundation offers such services as a free will planning guide that is designed to help individuals as they prepare to work with their estate planning advisors. Contact the Carroll County Community Foundation at 800-964-0508 or visit the Web site at for a free copy of the will planning guide. Foundation staff members are also available to work with individuals and advisors to answer any questions about considering a charitable organization as a recipient of a gift in a will.
The Carroll County Community Foundation was established in 1997 as a not-for-profit charitable organization governed by a volunteer board of local citizens. Its purpose is to serve the interests of donors, to make grants and to act as a catalyst around issues of community importance in Carroll County. For details about making a charitable gift or establishing a permanent endowment fund to benefit a charitable organization or interest in Carroll County, contact the Carroll County Community Foundation.